The SBE 35RT is an accurate, ocean-range temperature sensor that is capable of measuring temperature in the ocean to depths of 6800 meters (22,300 ft). The SBE 35RT communicates via a standard RS-232 interface at 300 baud, 8 data bits, no parity. The SBE 35RT makes a temperature measurement each time a bottle fire confirmation is received, and stores the value in EEPROM. Each stored value contains the time and bottle position in addition to the temperature data, allowing comparison of the SBE 35RT record with CTD and water bottle data. Using one SBE 35RT eliminates the need for reversing thermometers, and provides higher accuracy temperature readings at lower cost. Calibration coefficients stored in EEPROM allow the SBE 35RT to transmit data in engineering units. SEATERM, the terminal program in our SEASOFT©-Win32 software suite, provides easy SBE 35RT setup and data uploading. When configured in a real-time system, the SBE 35RT can use the system modem channel for two-way communications; it is not necessary to change cable connections to communicate with and retrieve data from the SBE 35RT.


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.
Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.

1808 136th Place NE
98005 Washington Bellevue

(+1) 425-643-9866

(+1) 425-643-9954

Technical specifications

Range-5 to 35 ºC
Accuracy± 0.001 ºC
Resolution0.000025 ºC
Response time-
Depth rating6800 m
Supply voltage9 - 16 VDC
MemoryEEPROM; Up to 179 samples
DimensionsØ48 mm x 361 mm
Weight in air0.7 kg
Weight in water0.3 kg

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